发布时间: 2024-01-06 21:16 更新时间: 2025-02-01 07:10
对我们而言,FHC是一个集展示品牌与推介产品的平台,此次展会我们带了多款亮相上市的新产品,不仅荣获了FHC具年度创新产品“金苹果”奖,同时还因此结识了很多国内外的合作伙伴,未来我们将一如既往的参展,互利共赢,共创未来。We are very glad to bring two brands to participate in FHC this year, whether it is the national brand Yurun for 30 years, or the Italian brand Beretta for more than 200 years. We are old friends with FHC and have witnessed the development and changes of the Chinese meat markets together. For us, FHC is an excellent platform to display brands and promote products. This exhibition brought a huge number of new products that debuted on the markets, which not only won the "Golden Apple" award of FHC's most innovative product of the year, but also built partnership with many well-know partners from domestic and overseas. In the future, we will continue to participate in FHC for mutual benefit and follow the win-win strategy to create a prosperous future. ·EWEN 意文上海意文食品科技有限公司总经理 陈榕Roy Chen,General Manager ofShanghai EWEN FoodsTechnology Co., Ltd意文EWEN食品与FHC系列展会合作多年,感谢FHC为大家提供良好的沟通平台,今年有幸成为FHC中国国际烹饪艺术比赛指定意大利面及阿波罗大米赞助商,同时也荣获FHC金苹果奖--年度优选供应商,吸引了众多热情有兴趣的合作伙伴,未来我们将一如既往参与,与FHC系列展会共同进步。EWEN Food has cooperated with series of FHC for many years. Thanks to FHC for providing a good communication platform, Ewen Food has been honored to be the official sponsor of pasta and Apollo rice for FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition this year, and has also won the FHC Golden Apple Award - Preferred Supplier of the Year, attracting many enthusiastic and interested partners. In the future, we will continue to participate in series of FHC and make progress together. ·Sanyuan 三元食品北京三元食品股份有限公司特渠事业部总经理 房立红Lihong Fang ,General Manager of Special ChannelBusiness Unit ofBeijing Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd.作为与共和国共成长的民族乳企,三元食品感谢FHC提供的国际性交流平台。在这里,我们展示三元作为“乳品伙伴”的产品及服务,与来自世界各地的人士以及客户深入交流、拓宽视野、拓展业务。三元将继续与FHC携手,期待为更多全球及本土企业提供优质创新的产品和服务。As a national dairy enterprise who was growing together with China, Sanyuan thanks to FHC for providing an international and professional platform. Here, we display Sanyuan's products and services as a "professional dairy partner" to deepen communication with professionals and customers from all over the world, broaden mind and expand business. Sanyuan will continue to work with FHC and look forward to providing quality and innovative products and services to more and more global and local enterprises. ·MNASCX 蒙牛爱氏晨曦爱氏晨曦乳制品进出口有限公司行销经理 王龙江Longjiang Wang ,Aishichenxi Dairy ProductsImport & Export Co., Ltd蒙牛爱氏晨曦与FHC紧密合作多年,在这里能够与更多的行业人士和消费者分享我们的高品质乳制品。明年蒙牛爱氏晨曦将继续携手FHC,不断学习和创新,为消费者提供更好的产品和服务。MNASCX has worked closely with FHC for many years, and here we can share our high-quality dairy products with more industry people and consumers. Next year, MNASCX will continue to participate in FHC, keep learning and innovating, also provide consumers with better products and services.开启2024!风正海阔再扬帆回望2023,我们圆满举办了烹饪、咖啡、茶饮、糕点等8项国内外赛事,千名选手竞技;18场主题论坛活动,289位行业智脑倾囊分享;7大同期展,精耕行业垂直领域;2场咖啡、巧克力市集活动,全方位链接食饮文化与生活场景。展望2024,FHC将带来肉类及水产品、休闲食品、乳制品、甜食及巧克力、餐饮供应链及食材、调味料及粮油、咖啡茶饮、烘焙轻餐、食品加工及包装和预制菜及中央厨房等10大板块的升级拓展,为食饮行业输出更优、更新、更广的视角与资源。政策利好,助力行业光明前景。日前,中国决定试行对法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、马来西亚6个国家持普通护照人员单方面免签政策,鼓励贸易交流,实现中外企业“双向奔赴”。增长势如破竹,2024年再创新高。在2013-2022年10年间,中国进口食品额年均复合增长率达到12.3%,预计2023年全年,中国进口食品总额将达到1400亿美元,中国已经成为全球大食品进口国。FHC上海环球食品展立足食饮行业,深耕26载,食饮贸易伙伴不断增加,这背后不仅仅是体量的增长,更有品质的升级、行业趋势引领和信息贯通。致谢伙伴,致意未来。汇全球美食,共促交融;引高端赛事,以助创新;聚业界大咖,启迪未来;造市集活动,助力出圈。第二十七届FHC上海环球食品展将以更大规模、更高品质、更精细化的全新面貌再出发!2024年11月12-14日,上海新国际博览中心(浦东新区龙阳路2345号),FHC2024,与您有约,不见不散!
对我们而言,FHC是一个集展示品牌与推介产品的平台,此次展会我们带了多款亮相上市的新产品,不仅荣获了FHC具年度创新产品“金苹果”奖,同时还因此结识了很多国内外的合作伙伴,未来我们将一如既往的参展,互利共赢,共创未来。We are very glad to bring two brands to participate in FHC this year, whether it is the national brand Yurun for 30 years, or the Italian brand Beretta for more than 200 years. We are old friends with FHC and have witnessed the development and changes of the Chinese meat markets together. For us, FHC is an excellent platform to display brands and promote products. This exhibition brought a huge number of new products that debuted on the markets, which not only won the "Golden Apple" award of FHC's most innovative product of the year, but also built partnership with many well-know partners from domestic and overseas. In the future, we will continue to participate in FHC for mutual benefit and follow the win-win strategy to create a prosperous future. ·EWEN 意文上海意文食品科技有限公司总经理 陈榕Roy Chen,General Manager ofShanghai EWEN FoodsTechnology Co., Ltd意文EWEN食品与FHC系列展会合作多年,感谢FHC为大家提供良好的沟通平台,今年有幸成为FHC中国国际烹饪艺术比赛指定意大利面及阿波罗大米赞助商,同时也荣获FHC金苹果奖--年度优选供应商,吸引了众多热情有兴趣的合作伙伴,未来我们将一如既往参与,与FHC系列展会共同进步。EWEN Food has cooperated with series of FHC for many years. Thanks to FHC for providing a good communication platform, Ewen Food has been honored to be the official sponsor of pasta and Apollo rice for FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition this year, and has also won the FHC Golden Apple Award - Preferred Supplier of the Year, attracting many enthusiastic and interested partners. In the future, we will continue to participate in series of FHC and make progress together. ·Sanyuan 三元食品北京三元食品股份有限公司特渠事业部总经理 房立红Lihong Fang ,General Manager of Special ChannelBusiness Unit ofBeijing Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd.作为与共和国共成长的民族乳企,三元食品感谢FHC提供的国际性交流平台。在这里,我们展示三元作为“乳品伙伴”的产品及服务,与来自世界各地的人士以及客户深入交流、拓宽视野、拓展业务。三元将继续与FHC携手,期待为更多全球及本土企业提供优质创新的产品和服务。As a national dairy enterprise who was growing together with China, Sanyuan thanks to FHC for providing an international and professional platform. Here, we display Sanyuan's products and services as a "professional dairy partner" to deepen communication with professionals and customers from all over the world, broaden mind and expand business. Sanyuan will continue to work with FHC and look forward to providing quality and innovative products and services to more and more global and local enterprises. ·MNASCX 蒙牛爱氏晨曦爱氏晨曦乳制品进出口有限公司行销经理 王龙江Longjiang Wang ,Aishichenxi Dairy ProductsImport & Export Co., Ltd蒙牛爱氏晨曦与FHC紧密合作多年,在这里能够与更多的行业人士和消费者分享我们的高品质乳制品。明年蒙牛爱氏晨曦将继续携手FHC,不断学习和创新,为消费者提供更好的产品和服务。MNASCX has worked closely with FHC for many years, and here we can share our high-quality dairy products with more industry people and consumers. Next year, MNASCX will continue to participate in FHC, keep learning and innovating, also provide consumers with better products and services.开启2024!风正海阔再扬帆回望2023,我们圆满举办了烹饪、咖啡、茶饮、糕点等8项国内外赛事,千名选手竞技;18场主题论坛活动,289位行业智脑倾囊分享;7大同期展,精耕行业垂直领域;2场咖啡、巧克力市集活动,全方位链接食饮文化与生活场景。展望2024,FHC将带来肉类及水产品、休闲食品、乳制品、甜食及巧克力、餐饮供应链及食材、调味料及粮油、咖啡茶饮、烘焙轻餐、食品加工及包装和预制菜及中央厨房等10大板块的升级拓展,为食饮行业输出更优、更新、更广的视角与资源。政策利好,助力行业光明前景。日前,中国决定试行对法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、马来西亚6个国家持普通护照人员单方面免签政策,鼓励贸易交流,实现中外企业“双向奔赴”。增长势如破竹,2024年再创新高。在2013-2022年10年间,中国进口食品额年均复合增长率达到12.3%,预计2023年全年,中国进口食品总额将达到1400亿美元,中国已经成为全球大食品进口国。FHC上海环球食品展立足食饮行业,深耕26载,食饮贸易伙伴不断增加,这背后不仅仅是体量的增长,更有品质的升级、行业趋势引领和信息贯通。致谢伙伴,致意未来。汇全球美食,共促交融;引高端赛事,以助创新;聚业界大咖,启迪未来;造市集活动,助力出圈。第二十七届FHC上海环球食品展将以更大规模、更高品质、更精细化的全新面貌再出发!2024年11月12-14日,上海新国际博览中心(浦东新区龙阳路2345号),FHC2024,与您有约,不见不散!
地 址:上海市徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼
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