主营产品: 上海酒店用品展,上海酒店装饰展,上海FHC环球食品展 成都酒店用品展 ,深圳酒店用品展,冷冻食品展

本届HOTELEX上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会作为“十四五”期间重点打造的三大名片性活动之一——第二届上海旅游产业博览会的重要组成部分,由上海市文化和旅游局指导,将于2023年5月29日-6月1日在📌 国家会展中心(上海浦西·虹桥)举办。







十二大板块 经典延续

作为深耕酒店及餐饮产业链30年,积累超80万买家资源的品牌展会,2023 HOTELEX 上海展将汇聚优质资源和行业前沿信息,打造化的交流平台,为行业发展提供土壤和契机。




安徽华菱西厨装备股份有限公司是集科研、生产、销售食品机械、商用智能厨房设备及酒厨房工程设计、安装为一体的高新技术企业,2011年列入国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,并以成功在全国股份转让系统(称“新三板”)挂牌,证券简称:华菱西厨,股票代码:430582。华菱工业园总占地面积187000㎡。产品远销欧美、中东、澳大利亚、东南亚、中南美及非洲等90多个国家和地区,是马鞍山市的重点出口企业和纳税大户。出口产品均获得CE、ETL、CB、GS等认证,通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系认证。主持及参与了多项国家标准、行业标准的制修定,拥有多项国家发明专利。ZICA境外注册商标荣为安徽出口**,HUALING为****商标,是行业内的知名品牌。 企业具备强大的科研实力与竞争优势。拥有“省认定企业技术中心”、“ITS(原爱迪生实验室)认可的卫星TMP实验室”、“皖东出口集群检验检测中心”,设立了博士后科研工作站,并与多家科研院校建立了产学研合作关系。 始建于1996年的华菱西厨始终秉承“高度尊重客户意愿、高度尊重员工智慧”的理念,坚持以全球化视野和高起点发展形成了良好的市场口碑-出口**、国货精品。我们坚信:与华菱合作,必将助你更加**! Anhui hualing Kitchen Equipment Co,.Ltd. is high-tech enterprise which involves research, production, sales of food machinery commercial intelligent kitchen equipment, engineering designment and installation of hotel&kitchen. The enterprise becomes one of the National Torch Plan Key High-tech Enterprises in 2011. And has been successful in the country share transfer system (referred to as "the new Third Edition")listing,the securities referred to: HUALINGXICHU, stock code: 430582. Hualing industrial zone possess more than 187,000 square meters.The products are exported to more than 90 countries and regions such as Europe, America, Middle East, Australia, Southeast Asia, Central and South America and Africa. Our company is one of Ma'anshan  City's key export enterprise and the biggest taxpayer. Export products are obtained CE, ETL, CB, GS certification and passed the ISO9001 international quality management system, ISO14001 environment management system certification. We host and take part in a number of national standards revisions, and own lots of national patents. ZICA is the special international brand of export, HUALING are the China Well-known trademark and the professional famous brands in the field of kitchen equipment. The enterprise has a strong research strength and compertitive advantages and establish "Provincial Enterprise Technology Center", ITS(original Edison Laboratory)" Accredited Satellite Laboratory TMP", "Wandong Export Cluster Inspection Center", The enterprise also sets up a post-doctoral research station, and has a cooperative relationship with several scientific research institutions. Hualing company is founded in year of 1996, the reason why it has developed so fast is that we attach that " respect for the wisdom of our staff respect, customer wishes". We insist on Globalization and the high starting point to form a good market reputation-export brands, domestic products. We trust :Join Hualing, Win the market".

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